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Про Газуню и Зугулю.

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The Hare

I'm so happy, it's beginning
Summertime and Spring!
I'm so happy, warmth and moisture
Sprouting grass will bring!
I'm happy every morning
Sunshine fills the sky!
I'm happy they're so many
Vegetables to try.
Well I'm a - hare so brawny
Change my coat from grey to tawny,
Always hunt the sweetest carrots,
Leave the bad ones for the rabbits!
I'm so happy, there's a river
Swiftly flowing by.
I'm so happy, summer sunshine
Warms my furry side.
If a fox should spot me,
She would give me chase
I'll be sure to daze her,
Round and round I'll race.
Well, I'm a - hare so plucky
Two long ears and coat so fluffy,
I'm a surly, burly savage
Greatest hunter of the cabbage!
I'm so happy, sitting quietly
In the moonshine pale.
I'm so happy, when I'm safe,
The wolf has lost my trail.