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Про Газуню и Зугулю.

Приключение Газуни и Загули

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On Gazunia and Zagulia

Once upon a time in June,
Where there is a lake right now,
A Gazunia had appeared –
Looking like a bird or cow.
She had kind of legs or flagpoles,
Looked like she was six years old,
With two violet big eyeballs 
She was stunning as a mold.
And quite soon in June or next month,
Where old shaggy oaks now sit,
A Zagulia had appeared
Like a round-square nitwit.
He has legs or maybe flappers,
If you catch him, let him go.
He knows how to skip the cappers
Even though he's six or so.
They were fluffy all around,
On the left and on the right.
He was bald and she was frizzy:
Who was bridegroom, who was bride?
How Zagulia devoured candy!
How Gazunia gobbled beans!
But, in spite of these diversions,
These were…
These were…
These were twins!  