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Orange-cap Boletus

Under asp and in the rain
Orange-cap boletus, swain,
Came to life and grew by minutes:
Just one morning – and no peanuts!
I am standing on my leg
In the rainbow like a peg.
Drinking rain with gorging mouth
I am growing like a house,
Ah, these minutes are so sweet
When raindrops and mouth meet!
And my leg looks like a peg:
A thick and stout meaty leg!
With a raindrop in my nose
Standing naked with no hose
I looked on the little flowers
In their foolish grassy bowers:
Standing on their scrawny mesh 
While my leg is made of flesh.
I have looked around me:
A woodpecker makes a pee,
Silly bird sits there and hatches
With its legs like two thin matches,
While my leg is like a peg:
A thick and stout meaty leg!
Look at this: this is a bear,
Nothing but a balky smear:
Just a head and four thick flippers, 
Tons of strength that need a skipper,
While my leg is like a peg:
A thick and stout meaty leg!
Here I stand and hum a tune,
My red cap looks like a moon!
If I had a concertina
I would surpass Tarantino!
And my leg is like a peg:
A thick and stout meaty leg!
I will tell you this of us:
We the mushrooms, when in mass 
Under trees and in a basket,
Are compelling like a musket.
And in every place my leg
Is as meaty as a peg!