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The Owl

I'm the wisest of the fowls -
Mistress Owl knows all things:
Why the trembling leaves must shake,
Where the breeze is blowing.
I sit upon the greatest tree,
So wide and full my wisdom,
Answers always I can find -
What and how and where from?
How the little buzzing bee
Gathered such sweet honey.
Why the ugly duckling turned
Into a bird so lovely.
I know all about the bug,
Why he's red and shiny.
Sometimes claims are made I'm blind,
Theirs are words quite empty.
If you, young snippet of a mouse,
Or hare or baby badger,
Were to visit me for once
You'd become so clever!
Books so fat with leaves so thin
I'll read you very carefully.
Dearest rodents come to tea!
Do not feel so wary!
True, my friend the Long-Eared Owl
Flies in on clouds of perfume.
Wishing I'd sit by till dawn
High up in the tree's crown.